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How do I apply for ehsaas program?


New Member

How do I apply for the Ehsaas program, and what documents must I submit?
Can anyone help?
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  • Type your CNIC number and send it to 8171.
  • The Ehsaas team shall verify your credentials from their database.
  • After verifying the credentials from database, they will tell you whether you’re eligible for the cash grant or not.
  • Payment to beneficiaries will be made after biometric verification through more than 18,000 retail shops of two banks Bank Alfalah and Habib Bank in the country.
  • Those people that are being asked to contact the district administration can also register themselves by using the ehsaas web portal (https://ehsaas.nadra.gov.pk/ehsas/).
Prime Minister Imran Khan has launched several initiatives to deal with coronavirus pandemic. In order to provide relief to marginalized segments of the society, Mr. Khan has recently launched Ehsaas Emergency Cash program. The Ehsaas Emergency Cash is the largest ever social protection initiative in the history of Pakistan. It aims to provide financial assistance to 12 million families. Under this program, Rs. 12,000 will be given to 12 million deserving families. The total cost set for this program is Rs. 144 billion. However, if the demand for Ehsaas Emergency Cash is higher, additional resources will be earmarked.

saad hasan

New Member

How do I apply for the Ehsaas program, and what documents must I submit?
Can anyone help?
  • Type your CNIC number and send it to 8171.
  • The Ehsaas team shall verify your credentials from their database.
  • After verifying the credentials from database, they will tell you whether you’re eligible for the cash grant or not.
  • Payment to beneficiaries will be made after biometric verification through more than 18,000 retail shops of two banks Bank Alfalah and Habib Bank in the country.
  • Those people that are being asked to contact the district administration can also register themselves by using the ehsaas web portal