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I’m so sorry that someone did that to you in the army. You held it together because you were in survival mode, even though you were dying on the inside. I really am sorry that happened, no one deserves to be treated that way.
No this is bullshit. Because everyone thinks you’re so put together at all times and that you’re “fine.” This is why people end up killing themselves and everyone around them says they showed no signs at all. No, they just didn’t feel like they could come to you with shit.
if an IPP is not paid for the capacity payments the projects are not bankable and no lender would finamce the government.
Second thing the credit rating of many big corporates is more lucrative than the soverign one which helps in reducing down the spread on the debt and all the colleterals are...
what you are talking about? Have you ever read an EPA or a PPA?
Its not the government's job to produce electricity. Why they put a charge on national assets?
The judges sound not give corrupt decisions . The senate Committee should also keep an eye on corrupt ways and take action against the judges.
People see and know what is happening. Why do these corrupt people think people are stupid
Look who's talking' right now. She is the one who invented hate speech against the army and the ISI, and which is propagated enormously by her father and herself.
They've already tainted their reputation with corruption, but it was a fuel to draw from your family.
I haven’t even read Pak study history. My take on history comes from neutral authors who aren’t even from this region, so they have no such biases. You could actually pick up any history book and it would confirm what I wrote.
As for your second point, you can continue to live in denial all you...
None of it. Not an inch of Pakistan belongs to Afghanistan historically. The reason being that historical claims are not a real thing. I always find it laughable whenever someone tries to pass off historical claims as something that actually makes sense or matters in the modern world.
Let me...
A geographical area from Oxus to Indus rivers. Many people attacked Afghanistan and many have been attacked by Afghans including India, present day Pakistan, Iran and some parts of central Asia but at the end the area is the same. In 1892 Afghanistan went in a treaty with Britishers to let them...
I spend too much time thinking about past even sometimes overthink ,this helps me to overcome this worst habit. These points really very helpful to improve a person development .
When you can survive in this world, it is not important.
There is a tendency to develop, to survive, in a world full of dangers. For example if you don't develop a sense of speed and distance of an object moving towards you, then crossing a road with moving lorries might kill you.
Walikum asalam, meny recent test Diya ha basic English Hoti ha or YouTube py AK chancel ha wahn sy analytical ki apki preparation KR skty ho, maths bht tough HOTA ha us py agr ap dehan do to achy numbers a skty Hain
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